Table of Contents
- Background
- Contacting the VTA Board of Directors Office Itself
- How YOU Can Lobby For Better Transit At Your City/Town Hall
- VTA Board Members
- VTA Board Of Directors’ Alternates
- VTA General Manager’s Contact Info
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board of Directors sets Santa Clara County’s bus, rail and highway policy. The Board has 12 voting members, six alternate Board members, and (currently) one (1) ex-officio members. All Board members are elected officials appointed to serve on the VTA Board by the councils of the cities or towns they represent. (In other words, you cannot run for VTA Board, and you cannot vote board members on or off the board.)
For the foreseeable future, all VTA Board meetings are held via video conference or teleconference. Please call VTA’s Administration office at (408)321-5680 for information on how to take part in VTA Board meetings via your computer, mobile phone, or telephone.
During all public comment, you are talking directly to VTA Board members and staff. Read these tips on how to be heard at any VTA Board of Directors’ meeting.
Contacting the VTA Board of Directors Office Itself
You can reach the entire VTA Board at the address below:
Office of the Board Secretary
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
3331 N. First Street, Building B-2
San Jose, CA 95134-1906
phone (408)321-5680
fax (408)955-0891
This will forward your comment to all twelve (12) members of VTA Board. In addition, you can request to be added to a mailing list where you receive VTA Board and Committee agendas and meeting dates via the Board Secretary address above. These are the same sources used by the media and other elected officials in reporting on and learning about transit policy in Santa Clara County.
How YOU Can Lobby For Better Transit At Your City/Town Hall
To assist you in directly expressing your transit needs to the VTA Board member of your city, we also encourage you to attend and speak out for those needs at your city council meeting. Each VTA Board member’s contact also includes the address and phone number of their city hall, as well as when your city council meets. City council meetings allow you to speak during the “open comment” or “public presentation” period, typically at the beginning of the meeting. If you know you can’t go to a VTA Board meeting or workshop, it is vital that you speak out for your transit needs at your city council meeting.
Unless otherwise noted, city or town council meetings take place at the city hall or town hall the street address indicated with each VTA Board Member’s mailing address. Please contact your city hall or town hall for specific rules on speaking out during city council meetings, or if you are disabled and need assistance in speaking out at a city council meeting.
For instance, as the county seat and largest city in Santa Clara County, San Jose has five (5) of the twelve (12) VTA Board seats. San Jose’s City Council meets every Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., although certain meeting dates may be canceled. In addition, evening sessions are normally held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Unless otherwise announced, the meeting place is at the City Council Chambers San Jose City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara Street in San Jose. Mailing address for all listed council members is 200 E. Santa Clara Street, San Jose, CA 95113.
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, unless otherwise noted, meets on Thursdays at 9am via videoconference. More information on meetings of the County Supervisors and how you can take part remotely an be found here or by calling the Supervisors’ Clerk at (408)299-4321 first.
San Jose residents who do not specifically live in districts represented by VTA Board Members should Mayor Matt Mahan. Mayor Mahan’s contact information is below.
VTA Board Members

Below are the current members of the VTA Board of Directors, by title on the Board. Note that VTA Board alternates (listed below) can replace absent members at any Board of Directors meeting.
- Patrick “Pat” Burt (VTA Board Chairperson for 2023), Council Member, City of Palo Alto. Email: Pat.Burt@CityofPaloAlto.org – phone (650)350-9824.
- Cindy Chavez (VTA Board Vice Chairperson for 2023), Santa Clara County Supervisor, District 2. (District covers eastern San Jose.) Email: cindy.chavez@bos.sccgov.org – phone (408) 299-5020.
- Marie Blankley, CPA, Mayor, City of Gilroy. Email: marie.blankley@cityofgilroy.org – phone (408)846-0204 (contact thru City Clerk Thai Pham).
- Deborah “Dev” Davis, San Jose City Council Member, District 6. Email: district6@sanjoseca.gov – phone (408)535-4906. (District 6 covers West San Jose and Willow Glen areas of San Jose.)
- Omar Din, Vice Mayor, City of Sunnyvale. Email: dincouncil@sunnyvale.ca.gov – phone (408)730-7483 (call via City Clerk).
- Pam Foley, San Jose City Council Member, District 9. Email: district9@sanjoseca.gov – phone (408)535-4909. (District 9 covers the southwestern portion of San Jose including Blossom Hill, up to Cambrian and Los Gatos city lines.)
- Sudhanshu “Suds” Jain, Council Member (District 5), City of Santa Clara. Email: sjain@santaclaraca.gov – phone (408)615-2285.
- Sergio Jimenez, San Jose City Council Member, District 2. Email: District2@sanjoseca.gov – phone (408)535-4902. (District 2 covers South San Jose areas like Edenvale, etc.)
- Otto Lee, Santa Clara County Supervisor, District 3. Email: supervisor.lee@bos.sccgov.org – phone (408)299-5030.
- Sergio Lopez, Council Member (District 2), City of Campbell. Email: sergiol@campbellca.gov – phone (408)866-2100.
- Matt Mahan, Mayor, City of San Jose. Email: mayor@sanjoseca.gov – phone (408)535-4900.
- Omar Torres, San Jose City Council Member, District 3. Email: district3@sanjoseca.gov – phone (408)535-4903
Ex-officio Board members
- Margaret Abe-Koga, Council Member, City of Mountain View. Email: margaret.abe-koga@mountainview.gov – phone (650)903-6304
VTA Board Of Directors’ Alternates
- Rob Rennie, Mayor, Town of Los Gatos. Email: rrennie@losgatosca.gov – phone (408)354-6801.
- Carmen Montano, Vice Mayor, City of Milpitas. Email: cmontano@ci.milpitas.ca.gov – phone (408) 586-3024
- Rosemary Kamei, San Jose City Council member, District 1. Email: District1@sanjoseca.gov – phone (408)535-4901.
- Mark Turner, Mayor, City of Morgan Hill. Email: mark.turner@morganhill.ca.gov – phone (408)310-4647.
- Lynette Lee Eng, Council Member, City of Los Altos. Email: lleeeng@losaltosca.gov
VTA General Manager’s Contact Info

Carolyn Gonot serves as the General Manager and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). Here is how to reach Ms. Gonot:
Carolyn Gonot, General Manager & CEO
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
3331 N. First Street, Building B
San Jose, CA 95134-1906
phone (408)321-5559
fax (408)955-0891
Email: carolyn.gonot@vta.org
The General Manager reports to the VTA Board of Directors, listed above.
Eugene Bradley
Founder, Silicon Valley Transit Users